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BLANCO 521577 Claron 500-U Built-in Kitchen Sink for Undermount, Stainless steel, satin gloss

Price comparison product image BLANCO 521577 Claron 500-U Built-in Kitchen Sink for Undermount,  Stainless steel,  satin gloss
Elegant design in manufacturer quality - concise corner radii of only 10 mm combine aesthetics and functionality in an impressive way.
Exclusive basin from the Blanco Claron product family made of high-quality stainless steel, silky gloss finish for the base
With InFino drainage system - elegantly integrated and very easy to clean - for added comfort in the sink
External dimensions 540 x 440 mm / basin depth 190 mm / minimum width of the base cabinet: 60 cm - detailed information on the cut-out can be found on the BLANCO website
Manual drain and overflow set with space-saving pipe, 3 ½ inch InFino basket valve
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