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Pro-Kleen Hot Tub and Spa Complete Cleaning Package Contains 5 litres Hygienic Hot tub Cleaner - 5 litres Anti Foam - 5 litres Filter Cartridge Cleaner

by Pro-Kleen
Price comparison product image Pro-Kleen Hot Tub and Spa Complete Cleaning Package Contains 5 litres Hygienic Hot tub Cleaner - 5 litres Anti Foam - 5 litres Filter Cartridge Cleaner
Pro-Kleen Whirlpool, Hot tub and Spa care and cleaning treatment package
Pro-Kleen Anti-foam is a liquid foam suppressant, It is highly effective in removing foam from hot tubs and spa's 100 treatments at 50ml per treatment or 2 capfuls, Simply add two capfuls of the anti foam to hot tub or spa where foaming appears allow it to circulate, watch the foam disappear
Pro-kleen Cartridge filter Cleaner is a liquid cleaner, It is highly effective in removing oils and greases from spa cartridge filters, comes in 5 Litres which provides 10 treatments at 500ml per treatment Remove any loose debris from the filter body, Add 500ml of solution to a container with 10 litres of warm water, soak the filter in the solution overnight, rinse off in the morning, Restores filtration efficiency, which helps prolomg the life of your filter
Pro-Kleen Hygienic Hot Tub Cleaner. Cleans thoroughly using natural products to remove bacteria, dirt and unpleasant smells Does not cause damage to the internal system or the environment
Easy to use, long-lasting formula with clear instructions on the back of the bottle. Clean every 2-3 weeks with 50-75ml of Pro-Kleen Hot Tub
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