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ShoeRescue All Natural Cleaning Wipes for Leather & Suede Shoes & Boots for Dirt, Salt Stains, Grey

by Boot Rescue
Price comparison product image ShoeRescue All Natural Cleaning Wipes for Leather & Suede Shoes & Boots for Dirt,  Salt Stains, Grey
Boot Rescue
FAST & EASY WAY TO CLEAN - Wipe away dirt, mud, and surface stains from any fabric to keep shoes looking like new.
100% NATURAL FORMULA - Cleans without any toxins or chemicals that can harm fabric or skin. No need to wash hands after using.
PORTABLE - Comes in a box of 10 individually wrapped wipes to pop one in a purse, briefcase, office desk or glove compartment to touch up shoes or boots anywhere. Its also idea for travel.
WORKS ON ANYTHING - Ideal for leather, rubber, fabric, nubuck and even the most delicate of suede. Restore your favorite leather shoes, jackets, bags
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