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MY.SIZE Classic Condoms Size 5 I 60 mm Width I 36 Pieces Bulk Pack I Premium Condoms Extra Thin I Condoms True to Touch Gossamer I Thin 0.07 mm Wall Thickness I Condoms Vegan I Condoms for Men

Price comparison product image MY.SIZE Classic Condoms Size 5 I 60 mm Width I 36 Pieces Bulk Pack I Premium Condoms Extra Thin I Condoms True to Touch Gossamer I Thin 0.07 mm Wall Thickness I Condoms Vegan I Condoms for Men
FIT SIZE FOR EVERYONE: Average adé! MySize thinks it's about time that the fit for clothing the most sensitive part of the body is uncompromisingly adapted to the man. For safety AND pleasure.
NATURALLY ALLERGEN- AND SMOOTH-FREE: The minimal wall thickness of 0.07 mm is particularly thin and therefore intense and true to touch. Highly pure natural rubber latex ensures less allergens and odour.
SUSTAINABLE AND VEGAN: MY.SIZE is manufactured using only products that are free from animal ingredients and have not been tested on animals.
UNCOMPROMISINGLY PERFECT FIT: Bye-bye condom mishaps! The condom width, which can be adjusted to male individuality, reduces the amount of force and contact with fingernails when putting it on.
THE DEAL: MY.SIZE condom, width 60mm
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