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38mm Pump Dispenser to Suit 5 Litre Containers - Dispenses 30ml Dose - White (One Individual)

by Pump Action
Price comparison product image 38mm Pump Dispenser to Suit 5 Litre Containers - Dispenses 30ml Dose - White (One Individual)
Pump Action
Soap Dispenser
Stainless Steel
Bathroom, kitchen
38mm Pump Dispenser to Suit 5 Litre containers - White.
Accurately Dispenses 30ml Dose (1 fl.oz.) Per Pump.
Works Well With a Wide Variety of Highly Viscous Products Such as Hand Soaps, Detergents, Cooking Oils, Food Relishes (Tomato Ketchup, Mustard, Brown sauce, Salad Cream etc.)
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