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Dual Slot Micro SD TF To MS Memory Stick Pro Duo Adapter for PSP 1000 2000 3000 & Mobile Phone and Camera

by GGZone
Price comparison product image Dual Slot Micro SD TF To MS Memory Stick Pro Duo Adapter for PSP 1000 2000 3000 & Mobile Phone and Camera
Holds 2 cards for super large capacity
In order to copy or delete data directly, insert CR-5400 in your card reader. Dont take out the microSD(HC) cards and perform write operations on the single card. Your data will be corrupt
Data Transfer can only be done with micro SDHC cards inserted in CR-5400. Direct PC to micro SDHC card data transfer and then inserting in CR-5400 wont work
If only 1 microSD(HC) cards is used, it must be inserted into slot 1 in order to work
When using new microSD(HC) cads
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