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FLIR Scout TK Outdoor Thermal Camera

Price comparison product image FLIR Scout TK Outdoor Thermal Camera
No matter where you are outdoors, the FLIR Scout TK is the perfect companion.A pocket-sized, easy-to-use and low cost thermal camera for use in outdoor conditions, the FLIR Scout TK will help you explore like never before. Thermal cameras don't see like a normal camera or a pair of binoculars do; these cameras detect the heat given off by objects and display it on an image.In outdoor conditions, the FLIR Scout TK can detect the body heat of animals, people and objects up to a distance of 100 yards (90m) away, allowing you to safely observe from a distance.Thermal cameras aren't affected by the dark or weather conditions - simply hold the Scout TK up to your eye and you'll be able to see what otherwise may have remained hidden.Full awareness in the dark; see where you're going and spot hazards.Instant video and still image capturing - ideal for sharing your findings with others.Keep an eye on your property whenever you need to.Ideal for spotting your pet in a dark garden or for checking for other animals.Scan sidewalks, parking lots and parks in complete darkness to check for the body heat of others.Simple, four button design and intuitive interface with easy access to all functions from the top of the camera (ideal for adjusting the camera when it's held up to the eye). At the touch of a button you can switch between colour palettes, or tap a button to capture images and video. It starts up in seconds, ensuring you don't miss the sudden appearance of an animal or anything else you need to detect.Key Features:Pocket-sized thermal imaging camera optimised for use in outdoor conditions.See the heat given off from animals, people and objects up to 100 yards (90m).See through the dark, through weather conditions and dense foliage.Lightweight, comfortable
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