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Price comparison product image Pure Epsom Salt 1000 g Natural Magnesium Resealable stand-up pouch Easy-to-Use Food Grade,  SPA and At-Home Care Soaking Pleasure A pure,  time-tested mineral Health,  Beauty ,  Fitness & Wellness,  Crafts,  Gardening by bleumarine Bretania

Pure Epsom Salt 1000 g Natural Magnesium Resealable stand-up pouch Easy-to-Use Food Grade, SPA and At-Home Care Soaking Pleasure A pure, time-tested mineral Health, Beauty , Fitness & Wellness, Crafts, Gardening by bleumarine Bretania

by bleu&marine Bretania
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Last refresh Jul/01/2018 08:37 PM
bleu&marine Bretania
High quality, pharmaceutical-grade Epsom salt available.
The wonders of Epsom salt have been well known for hundreds of years and, unlike other salts, has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind, and soul.
Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating colds and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.
One of the simplest ways to ease stress and stress-related problems is to soak in a tub full of hot water with a few cups of Soaking Pleasure Epsom Salt. Some of the notable benefits of Epsom salt include:Eases stress and relaxes the body. Relieves pain and muscle cramps.Helps muscles and nerves function properly.Helps prevent hardening of arteries and blood clots.Makes insulin more effective.Relieves constipation.Eliminates toxins from the body.

What are some uses of Epsom salt
Whether you like a relaxing soak or wish to enhance your beauty effortlessly, making Epsom salt a part of your daily routine can add a whole lot of goodness to your way of life. To experience the numerous health benefits of Epsom salt, take relaxing, stress-relieving Epsom salt baths three times weekly by adding 2 cups of Ultra Epsom Salt to a warm bath and soaking for at least 12 minutes. For the added benefit of moisturizing your skin, add 1/2 cup olive oil. Do not use soap as it will interfere with the action of the salts. Try to rest for about two hours afterward. If you have arthritic joints, move them as much as possible after an Epsom salt bath to prevent congestion in the joints.
For a foot bath

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