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Price comparison product image Zahn Cup Viscosity Flow Cup Viscometer Flow Cup Stainless Steel 44ml (5 )

Zahn Cup Viscosity Flow Cup Viscometer Flow Cup Stainless Steel 44ml (5 )

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Here is the operation video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tDGTEbB4dqM ; Zahn cup is a viscosity measurement device widely used in the paint industry, and is to test the viscosity of Newtonian or similar Newtonian fluid.
It is commonly a stainless steel cup with a tiny hole drilled in the center of the bottom of the cup.
There is also a long handle attached to the sides. There are five cup specifications, labeled Zahn cup x, where x is the number from one through five.
Use large number cup sizes when viscosity is high, use low number cup sizes when viscosity is low.
To determine the viscosity of a liquid, the cup is dipped and completely filled with the substance. After lifting the cup out of the substance the user measures the time until the liquid streaming out of it breaks up

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